第3篇 补体系统.ppt

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第3章 补体系统 (complement,C) 第1节 概述 理化性质 对热不稳定,56 °C 30分钟即被灭活 体液中C3含量最高 多数补体属?球蛋白 补体代谢 来源:主要由肝细胞和巨噬细胞产生 合成的调节:组织特异性;多因素调节 分解代谢:快于其他血浆蛋白 第4节 补体受体 CR1(C3b/C4bR):抑制补体激活;调理作用;清除免疫复合物;免疫调节 CR2(C3dR,CD21):免疫调节;是EB病毒受体 CR3(iC3bR,CD18)/ CR4(iC3bR/C3dg,CD18) :参与吞噬细胞生物学作用;凝集素活性;参与黏附作用 一、参与宿主早期抗感染免疫 2、调理作用 3、炎症介质作用 二、维护机体内环境稳定 清除免疫复合物(IC):补体抑制新的IC形成;可溶解已沉积的IC; IC活化补体,借助C3b与血细胞结合,而被肝细胞清除。 清除凋亡细胞:C1q、C3b、iC3b可识别和结合凋亡细胞,并通过与吞噬细胞受体相互作用而清除这些细胞。 三、连接天然免疫与获得性免疫的桥梁 参与免疫应答的诱导:C3b参与捕捉、固定抗原,是抗原易被APC处理与提呈。 参与免疫细胞的增殖、分化:补体多种成分与多种免疫细胞相互作用,调节细胞的增殖分化。 参与免疫应答的效应:如细胞毒性、调理作用及清除IC。 参与免疫记忆 四、补体与其他酶系统的相互作用 补体与凝血、纤溶、激肽系统间存在着十分密切的相互影响及相互调节关系。 complement complement classical name: heat-labile component of plasma which ‘complements’ antibody opsonisation and killing of bacteria plasma proteins most of which circulate as inactive zymogens and are activated at sites of inflammation initiating an enzyme cascade contribution of the complement system to disease in which complement is inappropriately activated, inhibited or deficient nomenclature C1,C2,C3………C9 B,D,P (factor) I,H factor for regulation a ,b ( peptide fragment ) C4bC2a, C3bBb (the complex that have enzymatic activity) Activation pathway the classical pathway the alternative pathway the lectin pathway classical pathway initiated by antigen—antibody complexes lectin pathway mannan binding lectin(MBL)pathway mannan binding lectin(MBL) is a acute protein, a member of the collectin group of proteins that recognize repeating sugar patterns,as might occur on the carbohydrate capsule of bacteria. PAMP (pathogen associated molecular pattern) alternative pathway phylogenetically it probably is the older activation pathway It does not absolutely require antibody for activation. three pathways proceed identically through binding of the terminal components to form a membrane attack complex,which ultimately causes cell lysis Simple view Effector C3a, C4a, C5a inflammatory cell chemotaxis, mast-cell degran C3b opsonin via C3bR, solu


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