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Application letter—fonts Sans-serif: 无衬线字体(Arial) Emphasize each word Good for headings Serif: 有衬线字体(Times New Roman) Emphasize the harmony of the whole text Good for contents Font size: 12 Last week 3 types of business Sole trader Partnership Franchise vocabulary 商业头脑 企业家的进取精神 一个很明智的举动 It’s essential to… …之间的折中 过分简化 利润率 扩展业务 开办 资本 企业 加盟金 Business sense Entrepreneurial spirit A very clever move It’s vital to… A compromise between… over-simplification Profit margin Branch out Launch Capital Ventures Initial fee 3.2 Leaving and taking messages How to leave a message effectively Steps of leaving messages √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1. Say who you are - - - - 2. Give the reason for calling- - - 3. Leave your contact details- - - - key steps in leaving messages A.It’s…/ E. This is… Say who the message is for Spell any difficult words F. So that’s M as in Madrid…/ I. It’s P for Paris… C. The reason I’m calling is that…/ D. It’s with regard to… B.You can email me at r dot… / J. Call me on 0207… Request a return call Say when you are available G.You can get me any time between…/ K. I’ll be in the office tomorrow… H. Could you call me back? L. I’d be very grateful if you’d return my call… A small challenge—leave a message 你是百佳超市的采购部经理张三.你留言双汇集团: 由于其“瘦肉精”(tainted pork) 丑闻造成销售量暴跌五成,望约时间商讨赔偿方案。 Situation 1 Situation 2 你的名字Sergiusz Parteka。 你留言Vanessa : 推迟下周二(13号)的电子商务研讨会并为此而道歉。 同时咨询下一次相似的研讨会的时间,并询问研讨会的费用是否能退款。 Situation 3 你的名字Andrzej Welanetz。 你留言Kirsten: 咨询下一个关于电话技巧的课程的信息以及让他们把信息邮件发给你(地址)。确认你要派5位员工参加该课程,同时问清楚团体预定能享受什么样的折扣。 Situation 4 你的名字李四。 你留言消费者委员会(Consumer Council): 举报上海华联超市出售染色馒头(dyed steamed bun)。表明有证据,并希望能引起重视。 Situation 1 Situation 2 Hello, Vanessa, this isSergiusz Parteka(that’s…) I just call to apologize for postponing the online business seminar of next Tuesday(13th). Could you get back at me about the schedule for the next similar seminar and also whether we could get a refund for the seminar fees. Thnx. Bye. Situation 3 Morning,


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