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4Uni与t7 B

Unit 7 Section B;Scanning (Review) Practice; Scanning — to read quickly to find a particular item of information without reading the whole passage in detail. ; 1. How many Chinese people find it difficult to fall asleep? Lying in bed counting sheep is not a solution to falling asleep, especially for people engaged in continual mental labor. The fear of not being able to fall asleep brings anxiety and insomnia失眠(症), explained the experts. A recent national survey among 10,455 Chinese people showed 27.3% of the subjects admitted they have sleeping problems. ; Now scan the following paragraph to find the answer to question 2.; ; Question Answering;1. 2. 3. ;2.What are the two kinds of parent style that parents take up towards their children? (para.4);3. What are the four groups in the study? (para.6);4. How much time a day does a father in Holland spend in conversation with his children? How about in America? (para.10);.5. Which is more important to children’s development according to the author: the biological or the environmental factors? (Para.15);Geniuses and Better Parenting Para.1 It is a popular myth that great geniuses—the Einsteins, Picassos and Mozarts of this world—spring up out of nowhere as if touched by the finger of God. The model is Karl Friedrich Gauss, supposedly born into a family of manual workers, who grew up to become the father of modern mathematics.;Para.2 A professor who studies early learning has attacked this myth, saying that when he looked into Gauss’s childhood, he found that Gauss’s mother had been teaching him numbers at the age of two. His father had supervised manual workers, not been one, and played calculation games with him. Furthermore, Gauss had an educated uncle who taught him sophisticated math at an early age.;Para.3 It is the same story with other geniuses. Einstein’s father was an electrical engineer w


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