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# 186 # 9 3 Vol. 9 No. 3 2003 6 National Journal of Andrology Jun. 2003 # # 1 2 2 1 2 李湘鸣 , Davaasambuu Ganmaa , 秦立强 , 刘秀梵 , Akio ato ( 1. , 225009; 2. , , 409-3898) : 目的: 方法: ( FAO) , 42 ( ) ( 1988~ 1992) ( 1961~ 1990) ; ( FDA) , Wistar , , 结果: , ( r= 0.711) , ; 20~ 39 ( r = 0. 804) , ; , , 结论: : ; ; ; ; + ¹ : R155. 5 7; R737. 2 : A : 1009-3591 ( 2003) 03-0186-05 The Effects of Estrogen-like Products in Milk on Prostate and Testes 1 2 2 1 2 Xiang-Ming LI , Davaasambuu Ganmaa , L-i Qiang Q IN , Xiu-Fan LIU , Akio ato (1. Key Laboratory of A nimal Inf ectious Diseases of M inistry of Agriculture, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225001, hina; 2. Dep artment of Environmental H ealth of Yamanashi Medical University, Yamanashi 409-3898, Jap an) Abstract: Obj ectives : To study the effects of estrogen-like products in milk on the male reproductive system. Methods : The inci- dence rates of test icular and prostatic cancers in 42 countries ( regions) , collected from the cancer incidence in five continent database ( 1988- 1992) , were correlated w ith the relative food consumption in these countries, which was provided by FAO database ( 1961- 1990) ; two-generation reproduction test w as taken by using Wi


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