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9 10 () Vol9, o10 2009 10 Journal of Kunming University of Science andTechnology Oct2009 张云莲 ( , 650224) : 儒家和墨家在义利问题上持义先于利重义轻利和私利服从公利的观点儒墨义利观中义 以为上的伦理价值取向义然后取的取利价值标准和义是利之本的义利价值辩证关系的伦理价值特点, 对和谐社会建设中个人国家公务员群体和企业处理好义利关系, 遵循 君子爱财, 取之有道 的伦理 价值追求和依此价值标准行事有重要的指导意义 : 义利关系; 义利观; 伦理价值 : B222 : A : 1671- 1254 ( 2009) 10- 0015- 05 R eview s for the Confucian ism and M oh ist of Concep t of R igh teou sness and P rofit ZHA NG Yunlai n ( Faculty of Social Science, Kunm ing University of ScienceTechnology, Kunm ing 650224, China) Abs tract: Confucianism andMohistheld on the concept of Righteousness before profit, heavy- Righteous ness but light- profit, and self- profit to obey the public- profit of view in between relation of Righteousness and profit. Theview of relation ofR ighteousness and ProfitofConfucianism andMohistof ethicalcharacteristics is thatRighteousness should be beyond profit of choice in ethical value, R ighteousness first and then take the advantage ofprofitof standard in ethicalvalue, Righteousness is the rootof the profit of this dialecticalrelation ship between R ighteousness and profit, have mi portantguiding significance in build aharmonious society for in dividuals, groups of public servants and enterprise to properly handle the relationship bewt een relation Right eousness and profit, follow ing the gentlemans love ofmoney in a properway in the pursuitof ethical values and to act accordingly the values of standard. K ey words: relationship between righteousness and profit; views of righteousness and profit; ethical value , , , ,


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