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◇Look at the pictures and understand 看图并理解 (一)在原级前面通常使用very, quite, too, much too, as, so 等。 eg: 1. The room is very big. 2. The person is quite clever. 3. Today is too hot. 4. He eats too much, so he’s much too heavy. 在比较级前面使用的修饰词有: even(更,更加),a little(有点), far/ much/ a lot (更加,……的多) eg: 1. Yesterday was hot, but today is even hotter. 2. I’m a little taller than Mary. 3. This skirt is far/ much/ a lot more beautiful than that one. 一、形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成 一、形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成 furthest further farthest farther far least less little most more many / much worst worse bad / badly best better good / well 最高级 比较级 原级 2、不规则变化 副词的比较级和最高级的构成和形容词的比较级和最高级的构成基本相同.e.g. 形容记的最高级前要用定冠词the, 副词的最高级前可用可不用定冠词the. Mount Qomolangma is the highest in the world. Jim jumped (the) highest of the all. fast-faster-fastest slowly- more slowly –most slowly Tom is as tall as Mike.? as+形容词原形+as There are as many students in our school as yours. ? Tom is three times as old as Mike. 否定 not as+形容词原形+as “和… 不一样” 或 not so+形容词原形+as “不及/不如… Tom is not as tall as Mike. Tom is not so tall as Mike.? This truck is big enough to carry 5 tons.? so+ 形容词原级+that丛句 such+名词+that丛句 He is so big that he can’t enter the room by?the door . … too+原级+ to do sth. He is too young to join the army. 形容词原级+ enough to do sth. 比较级+than… This bridge is longer than that one.? Our school is larger than theirs.? 比较级的用法: …than… 1.汤姆比杰克高. 2.这只箱子要比那只箱子大. 3.那些苹果比这些大. 4.第一个问题很容易,但第二个更容易. Tom is taller than Jack. This box is bigger than that one. Those apples are bigger than these ones. The first question is very easy, but the second one is easier. (2) 数量的比较 1.我的笔比你的多. 2.我喝的茶比他多. 3.他吃的饭比我少. 4.一班的学生比二班多. I have more pens than you (do). I drink more tea than he (does). He has less rice than I (do). There are more students in Class 1 than in Class 2. More examples: 1.Mary is cle


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