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* | I, above board About Me Tourism Music My website About Me Hello! My name is LuoJinGuang(罗锦光), class No:0415010117.I come from the communications group of the engineering profession , class 1,grade 2004.Information Technology Department. I am very happy to be here to meet you. I am optimistic about the cheerful disposition is a stand on principle, the ability to endure hardship and promising young people . Viva! Viva! Communication Engineering | I, above board About Me Tourism Music My website My life motto: Author heroic demolition ——英雄莫问出处 Tourism About Me Services More graphic….. 在武侠小说里经常出现的一句话就是:人在江湖,身不由已。在现实生活中也一样,你不能不为生活、爱情、友情、婚姻而忙碌。因此,我毕生的爱好就是旅游,在旅游中完全释放自己原有的纯朴和稚气。而最大的愿望就是能够游遍金庸笔下的美景,体会金庸笔下的英雄浪子和江湖侠女的柔情侠骨和快意恩仇。 嵩山 嵩山北依黄河,南临颖水,东西横卧,故有嵩山如卧之说。《笑傲江湖》有嵩山派,嵩山掌门左冷禅是金庸笔下比较有名的主人公。《天龙八部》中,乔锋幼时在嵩山少林寺受业于玄苦大师。少林寺武功号称天下武学正宗,有天下武功出少林的说法。Details…. Tourism 事事无情人暗换,人在江湖月在天。 天下有雪纷纷过,落尽江湖不成歌。 | I, above board About Me Tourism Music My website Tourism About Me Services Tourism 风雨江湖月如钩,万里江天支未收。 何当试剑向天啸,敢问苍穹谁风流。 嵩山 嵩山北依黄河,南临颖水,东西横卧,故有嵩山如卧之说。《笑傲江湖》有嵩山派,嵩山掌门左冷禅是金庸笔下比较有名的主人公。《天龙八部》中,乔锋幼时在嵩山少林寺受业于玄苦大师。少林寺武功号称天下武学正宗,有天下武功出少林的说法。《倚天屠龙记》第一回,小东邪郭襄到达少林寺后,有一段风景的描写:“这时置身处已高于少林寺所有屋宇,但见少林寺层崖刺天,横若列屏,崖下风烟飘洌,寺中钟声随风送上,令人一洗风俗之气。” Songshan Songshan according to the Yellow River north, the south by the Yingshui, things recline, it is lying as Songshan themselves. Stand Out Songshan camp, the Songshan head Zuolengchan Jin Yong is described more famous heroine. Famous villains, Sheng in the Songshan Shaolin Temple as quiet by the industry in the bitter master Yuen. Shaolin Wushu world powers called authentic, world powers Shaolin said. Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber to the first, small Dongxieguoxiang arrived at the Shaolin Temple, a scenic section of the description : Then we put ourselves in that situation th


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