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动词不定式的基本用法归纳;Unit 1;一、动词不定时的形式 肯定式:to do sth 否定式:not to do sth. 被动式:to be done 完成式:to have done ;结构 : to do;(否定) not to do ;(1).They pretended not to see us.;1. 作主语;1.作主语 A. 动词不定式作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。如: (1)To see is to believe. (2)To master English gives us much help in the study of science. B. 不定式或不定式短语作主语时,常用it作形式主语,构成“It is + 形容词(+for sb.)不定式”结构。 It is impossible for him to give up smoking. ;2.作宾语;He likes to______________. I find it still necessary (for him) to ___________ if he wants to win.;C.动词不定式还可以用作介词宾语,但仅限于介词except和but(除了)。 1) They did nothing except_______( work). 2) There is no choice but _________( wait). 常用句型有: There is nothing to do but+动词原形(do) do nothing but( except)+动词原型(除做….之外别无选择) have no choice but to do ,别无选择只能去做...) ;动词不定式常见的考点还有: had better,would rather .....than,cant help but, cannot but,等结构后用动词原型。 1) We can not but _______ at the sad news.( weep). 2) You cant help but _________( respect) them. ;1) cant but do 不得不 =have to do sth. eg, He cant but _______ his work.(stop ) 他不得不停止工作. 2) cant help but do = cant help doing 禁不住 :unable to change ones behaviour or feelings eg.We___________________ him. = We ______________________ him. 我们禁不住嘲笑起他来. 3) do nothing but 只(做某事) ...nothing but = only eg.He______________________ complain.他只能抱怨. He is_______________________ wander about. 他无所事事,只是在闲逛.;1.There was nothing to do in the evening but _____. A.read B.to read C.reading D.is reading 2.There is nothing we can do but wait______. A. as calm as possible B. as possible as we can C. as calm as we can D. as calmly as we can 分析:也就是说calm应该用副词calmly. 因为根据句意,calmly是修饰动词wait的,修饰动词应该用副词,形容词calm不能修是动词。 3.He could do nothing but _______for the bus_____ . A. wait, to come B.wait; come C.waiting; coming D.waited; came 【解析】 试题分析:考查词组:第一空填wait,因为could do nothing but do sth只好做…,第二空填to come,因为wait for sb to do sth等待某人做.... 他只好等汽车来。 考点:非谓语动词;3.作表语;4.作宾语


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