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1、能听、说、读、写介词短语by ship, by train, by plane, by subway。 2、熟练掌握句型“How do you go to…”及其答句“We go there by …”并能在具体情境中以口头的形式进行交流。 3、听懂,会读,会说日常交际用语:I’d like to go to Shanghai .That’s too expensive . Let’s go to Beijing by train . * 1、复习四个短语。 (1) 步行: (2)骑自行车: (3)乘公交车: (4)乘船: on foot by bike by bus by boat 2、复习句型。 我能骑自行车去公园吗? 是的,可以。/ 不,不可以。 Can I go to the park by bike ? Yes, you can . / No, you can’t . plane 乘飞机 by by train 乘火车 by ship 乘轮船 by subway 乘地铁 It’s a map of China. 你怎么去烟台?我乘轮船去那儿。 How do you go to Yantai ? I go there by ship . How do you go to … ? 你怎么去…… (地点)? I go there … . 我……(方式)去那儿。 We have a long holiday. Where are we going ? 我们有一个长假期, 准备去哪儿呢? Shanghai. I’d like to go to Shanghai. 上海。我想去上海。 How do we go there ? 我们怎么去那儿? By plane . 乘飞机去。 That’s too expensive . Let’s go to Beijing. OK? 太贵了。我们去北京,好吗? Good idea! We can go there by our car. 好主意!我们可以开车去那儿。 No. We’ll be very tired . 不,那样我们会很累的。 OK. Let’s go to Beijing by train. 好,我们乘火车去北京。 Can we go there by train ? 我们能坐火车去吗? Why not ? 为什么不行呢? Lesson 14 Dad: We have a long holiday. Where are we going ? Mom: Shanghai. I’d like to go to Shanghai. David: How do we go there ? Mom: By plane . David: That’s too expensive .Let’s go to Beijing. OK? Dad: Good idea! We can go there by our car. David: No. We’ll be very tired . Mom: Can we go there by train ? David: Why not ? Dad: OK. Let’s go to Beijing by train. 一、比一比,看谁连的又快又准。 by train by ship by subway by plane 二、根据实际情况,用“by subway, by plane, by ship, by train”填空。 (1) I can go to Shenyang __________________ . (2) I can go to Yantai __________________ . (3) I can go to Hainan ____________________ . (4) If I’m in Beijing ,I can go to the park_______________. by train by plane by ship by subway 1、学习了四种去某地的方式: by ship, by train, by plane, by subway 。 2、学习了句型:如何去某地? 3、学习了日常交


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