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临床处理路径及注意要点: 迅速判断生命体征和意识,注意复合伤 保持“三道”通畅。 控制脑水肿,降低颅内压 防止创伤性脑缺血 预防癫痫 防治肺部并发症 手术:时机 术后早期气管切开,腰穿。 脑外伤的治疗 一般治疗 对因治疗 对症治疗 脑外伤的一般处理 神志、瞳孔、肢体活动、颅内压、生命体征监护。 保持呼吸道通畅。 头位及体位。 保持大小便通畅。 动态头颅CT复查。 脑外伤的手术治疗 手术治疗什么? 该不该手术? 颅内血肿手术指征 意识障碍程度逐渐加深。 颅内压在2.7kpa以上,或进行性升高。 有局限性脑损害体征。 CT显示血肿较大,中线结构移位明显。 非手术治疗过程病情恶化者,颞叶血肿及硬外血肿指征应放宽。 脑挫裂伤紧急手术指征 意识状态进行性加重或脑疝表现。 CT检查发现中线结构明显移位,脑室明显受压。 在脱水、激素降颅内压过程中,病情恶化者。 常用手术方式 开颅血肿清除 去骨瓣减压 脑室引流 钻孔探查 钻孔引流 Burr holes exploration Countre-coup injury-17h after injury Countre-coup injury-3d after operation 血肿清除,去骨瓣减压术后 脑外伤对症治疗 降颅压 无禁忌症者,腰穿放出血性脑脊液。 及时控制躁动和癫痫。 控制高热及防治脑水肿。 防治并发症(消化道出血、尿崩、急性肺水肿)。 脑外伤病人的护理 呼吸道 头位与体位 尿潴留 营养 坠积性肺炎及褥疮 脑损伤的观测 病情观察:意识、瞳孔、体征(神经系/生命), (Cushing反应) 特殊监测:CT、颅内压、脑诱发电位。 ICP TCD Note book Neurosurgical ICU setup Sub-dural or parenchymal Ventricular 谢谢! * Britains Princess Diana died early Sunday at a Paris hospital after suffering massive internal injuries in a high-speed car crash. She was 36. Her companion, Harrods heir Dodi Fayed, and their chauffeur died at the crash scene. Diana, Princess of Wales, died at 4 a.m. after going into cardiac arrest, doctors told a news conference at Paris Hospital de la Pitie Salpetriere. August 31, 1997 * 直接损伤:1 加速性损伤 着力伤coup injury 2 减速性损伤 对冲伤countrecoup injury 3 挤压性损伤 间接损伤:1作用臀部或足部脊柱传导颅底引起颅底骨折和脑损伤 2 作用躯干引起颅颈交界伤 挥鞭伤whiplash injury 3 胸部挤压静脉传递脑组织弥散点状出血称创伤性窒息traumatic apnea * CSF otorrhea may occur ass a result of a base of skull fracture involving the petrous temporal bone. Unlike fracture of the ant. Cranial fossa the leakage nearly always settles and the fistula does not usually provide a route of infection, unless there is evidence of chronic middle ear infection * CT scan showing ntracranial air in a subarachnoid space and within the lateral ventricles. * If a CT has not been performed: 1 it underlies the fracture (seen on the X ray) 2 it underlies a boggy swelling on the skull 3 it is on the same side as the pupil that dilated first 4 in 85% of cases it is on the contralateral s


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