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“润物细无声”是高尔夫销售的一种境界(国外英文资料) High-end brands continue to sell at high prices Lianzhi south China branch: huang yan, li tianbao Du fu has a poem: when the rain is known, the spring is happening. After he read the poem makes me reminiscent of golf sales method and the state, should focus on how to better guide potential customers to change ideas, change the way of life. I think that fine and silenced is both a way of selling golf and the highest level of sales of golf. Let the golf sales be quietly, silently and unconsciously, which can truly make the golf sales human. How can golf sales be silenced? The key is to see if you can let the golf sales form, content, methods, means, goals, goals, etc. The main course of golf sales is guidance, indoctrination, communication, communication and conquest. The most fundamental of all is the art of saying and listening. The golf sale should have new idea guidance, want to have Lao jia chang-type heart communication. Golf sales for potential consumers have been constantly in the non-computer majors, persuasive, educational, said more to pay attention to the spiritual needs of potential consumers heart attentively, give place to a friendship-type, relatives of leaf hear. Listening is more important, sales staff can from listening to can accurately find and grasp the potential consumers real demand, sales staff to suit the remedy to the case, take different sales ways and means. Can only be done carefully to cut in, reasonable, reasonable, reasonable, consumers will naturally accept our sales, and make the sales work in the deep hearts core, an effect. It is the ability to enter into the ear, the input is in the brain, and the brain takes effect. Let the wind break into the night. For example, with the aid of meetings, activities, sales, sales experience, race, culture, marketing, sales methods and ways of dongfeng, the above is we advocate the education of specific form of sales model. Knowledge is the medium of truth and perceptio


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