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2012现代汉语复习题纲(国外英文资料) 2012 modern Chinese final review outline The first part: the review scope and the examination content proportion assignment The questions provided are for review purposes only and are prompted by the relevant review points, but not the examination questions. According to the comprehensive review seriously urges students. 1. Choice (Dan Xuanti) 1, a pair of vases, you are right and facing the future, the three yes representatives: A, a word B, two words C, three words D, only represent syllables, and do not represent words 2, the following groups of words is all lianmianci is: A, nervousness and abrupt, with slender, bat B, rough, crickets, loquat, rubles, money C, detailed, smart, happy, hyacinth, blur D, cruising, exhort, Motorola, minions, commanded 3, the melancholy one word is: A, B, C, alliteration and assonance word words, transliteration of the word D, non Phonostylistics 4, Coral is a word: A binome words a morpheme B, transliteration of a morpheme C, partial formal compound words two morphemes, D combined with compound words two morphemes 5 words, grammatical function is ____. A, B, connection, connection and attachment and introducing auxiliary C, connection, attachment and connection of D connection, introduction, attachment and tone 6, ____ grammatical features of the following is not a modal verb. A, there is no overlapping form of B, mainly as adverbial C, and later can not add dynamic auxiliary word. D, you can take NOUN object. 7, the following are time nouns in each word is ____. A, start often B, just now C, suddenly had D, just now 8, the following phrase is set in the relationship is ___. A, unusually light, B, and gradually become rich, C, the new open port D, asked him to speak on stage 9, the following phrase is even that relationship is ____. A, choose Lao Zhang as the union representative B, afraid of excessive tension, C, slim like willow general D, call the police 10, the following is not concurrent phrase phrase is _


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