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古希腊建筑的人文精神(国外英文资料) The humanistic spirit of ancient Greek architecture Abstract: Ancient Greece is the birthplace of European culture, and their architectural achievements are also of great significance to the development of classical civilization. This article mainly introduces the history of the development of ancient Greek architecture, the style features of ancient Greek architecture and the embodiment of the humanistic spirit of ancient Greece in ancient Greek architecture. Key words: Ancient Greek architecture; architectural style; humanistic spirit; liberal democracy The ancient Greek culture in Europe after two thousand years of cultural development has played a huge and far-reaching impact, the ancient Rome is mainly inherited the ancient Greek civilization, the ancient Greek civilization to a great extent, is influenced by the ancient Romans to the deep development of the whole of Europe, especially in building. In addition to the artistic and cultural aspects of the humanistic spirit of ancient Greece, it also has a profound manifestation in the field of architecture. In addition to leaving a large number of brilliant architectural objects, ancient Rome has left a textbook for Architecture - the ten book of architecture. The three principles of architecture put forward by this book: application, security and beauty are the generalization of humanistic spirit and scientific spirit in architectural creation, and it has long term vitality. The development of the ancient Greek architecture is divided into four periods, namely: the Homa period (heroic period), 12~18 century BC; Archaic period (migration period), 7~ sixth Century BC; the classical period, 5~ fourth Century BC; the Hellenistic period, the end of the fourth Century B.C. to second Century b.c.. Since the eighth Century BC, many large and small city-state states have been established in the Balkans, the islands of West Asia, the West Bank and Aegean Sea. These city states around to continue to expa


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