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论MARS模型在员工绩效激励中的作用 班级:市场营销二班 学号: 【摘要】一个组织的成功,关键在于如何去激励成员使其符合组织行为,如何有效激励员工也就成为公司人力资源部门所要解决的核心任务。一切管理活动的首要任务,是促使发挥员工的积极性、主动性和创造性,以完成组织、部门的任务和目标。为此,领导者必须掌握和运用正确的激励手段,不断开拓新的激励方式,充分发挥激励的作用,提高员工绩效。而现实是现在大多数公司都存在或多或少的员工敬业度的匮乏。因此我们要解决这个问题,那如何解决呢?管理者令员工投入或不投入的工作态度,将会产生有很大区别的行为和绩效。首先我们要了解激励的概念、激励的心理机制、激励的作用、激励的方法。那么通过对人的行为的研究,得到了个体行为和结果的模型,简称MARS模型。通过对模型分析得到了激励员工是由三部分组成的过程:① 通过动因和需求管理激励②通过目标、期望和反馈信息管理激励③通过外在和内在的报酬管理激励。最后MARS模型还可以作为工具用来诊断员工的不投入状况。优化和改善现有激励模型,得到新的激励模型和激励方式。 【Abstract】 An organizations success, the key is how to motivate members make it conform to the organization behavior, how to effectively motivate staff will become the company human resource department to solve the core tasks. The primary task of all management activities is to play the enthusiasm of the employees, initiative and creativity, to accomplish the organization, department task and goal. Therefore, the leader must be to master and apply the correct the means of incentive, and constantly develop new stimulation, give full play to the role of incentive, and improve the performance of the employee. And the reality is now most companies have more or less employee engagement, the lack of degrees. So we want to solve this problem, that how to solve? Managers make employee commitment or not devote working attitude, will produce is there a big difference between behavior and performance. First of all we want to understand the concept of incentive, incentive psychological mechanism, excitation, incentive methods. So by behavior research, got the individual behavior and results of the model, hereinafter referred to as the MARS model. Through the analysis of the model got motivated employees is by three part process: (1) through the reasons and the demand management incentive (2) through the goal, expectations and feedback information management incentive (3) through the external and internal management incentive pay. Finally MARS model can also diagnosis of employees not devote condition.


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