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目录 摘要 I Abstract: II 一、乡村旅游产品的含义、特点及类型 1 (一)乡村旅游产品的含义 1 (二)乡村旅游产品的发展趋势 1 (三)乡村旅游产品的特点 1 (四)乡村旅游产品的类型 1 二、峨山县乡村旅游及其旅游产品开发的现状及存在的问题 2 (一)峨山县乡村旅游的发展现状 2 (二)峨山县乡村旅游产品开发的现状 2 (三)峨山县乡村旅游产品开发存在的问题 3 三、峨山县乡村旅游产品开发的条件分析 4 (一)峨山县乡村旅游资源分析 4 (二)峨山县旅游客源市场分析 5 (三)峨山县旅游者消费行为分析 6 四、峨山县乡村旅游产品的设计 6 (一)乡村旅游产品开发的原则 6 (二)峨山县乡村旅游产品开发的思路 9 (三)峨山县拟开发的重要乡村旅游产品 12 参考文献 16 致谢 17 分析乡村旅游产品开发探索的重要性 ——以玉溪市峨山县为例 摘要:在我国,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,人们的旅游消费观念也发生着重大的变化。越来越多的人们出游的动机都是以追求心神的宁静、人与自然的和谐、健康快乐的休闲游憩、体验不同地域特色的民风民俗为目的。与此相适应,旅游市场也面临着空前的转变:出游方式的多样化,如:自助游、互助游、徒步游、自驾游、刺激游、拓展游等;旅游目的地的特色化,如:历史文化名城、名镇、古村落、古穴居等;出游时间的个性化,如:周末、假日、日常闲暇时间。在此全新的旅游时代来临之际 国家旅游局将2006年全国旅游主题确定为“中国乡村游”,及时提出:旅游业向农村挺进。乡村旅游产品也由此备受世人关注,成为目前国内旅游市场的热点E Shan county country tour product exploitation probes Yu Xi City Abstract:Also significant change happened in peoples tour consumption concept in our country, with development of the economy and the advancement of society. More and more people the motivation going on a tour all is to take the folk custom running after state of mind peaceful , harmony between man and nature , happy healthy lying fallow strolling about and having a rest , experiencing the folk custom being unlike the region characteristic as purpose. And this is adapting to each other , tourist market is also confronted with unparalleled turn around: Go on a tour the way diversification, such as: Help-yourself loafing about , loafing about on foot , loafing about from driving You , stimulating You , opening up an exhibition to loaf about , help each other and so on; Tour destinations characteristic, such as: Leading historical and cultural city , town , antiquitys city and town , ancient times live in caves waiting; Go on a tour the time individuation, such as: Weekend , holiday , daily leisure time. Brand-new tour times approaches here between, National Tourism Administration, ascertains the whole nation tour in 2006 subject for “the Chinese country loafs about”, and suggests that in time: Tourist trade presses toward rural area. The


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