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强悍的C++程序实现计算器的linux源程序(国外英文资料) ? / create time: 2013-06-03 13:40:19 # include iostream # include sstream # include iomanip # include unistd. H # include stdlib. H # include string. H # include stdio, h # include string # include algorithm H # include math.h # include stack # define SHOW 1 / / f: y - NT  h 埦? _ # define UNSHOW 0 / / N f: y - NT  h 埦? _ / / # define TOSHOW 0  6 r/fT f: y purchase 汵 h 埦? _ Using namespace STD. / / 梴 / gh 埦? _ Yue bravely UO 靣 藌 钀 R bravely? U {| 媁 / / the S_ (uN * Ndouble {| 媁 penc 刧 愽 e Quan h? Yh 埦? _ pency bravely? / / S_ (uN * NcharW [ {eg 刧 愽 eh? Yh 埦? _ bravely {鱏? Y +, -, *, /, ^) / / 鍕 {| bXTpriorityh?  yOHQ , pency nirvana vOHQ  - 1 (ueg: SR/f / / pency 権? F {鱏 y? {鱏 y? OHQ 嶯 0 鱏 袕 梴 Quan OHQ 詋 儚 The class CalculType { Public: Char c; Int priority; Double val. Public: CalculType (double dn); CalculType char (CV); Friend ostream operator (ostream o, CalculType ct); CalculType operator = (CalculType ct); }; / / NZZH bravely! JHr Nang PE The template typename T The stack T st. / / f: yh-ncq}! JHr Nang PE The template typename T Stack T st); The template typename T / /  OX - NCQ} P 廭 interpretation 轛 Nang bravely and PE Stack T (stack T st); / / $R 璭 / fT/f 袕 梴 h 埦? Who is that? / / 闟 gW [ {: 0 ~ 9, +, - and *, /, %, ^, . / / / who bravely and h 埦 fT? _ N. Bool valid (char c); / / $R 璭 搹 eQ/fT _ 薡 h 埦 bravely? _ NNy bravely? Int change (char oc, char nc); / / 穬 biting -n  h 埦? 8 ^ _, sSb 霳 (u bravely and pef [梴 / gh 埦? _ / / 搹 eQ 曪 Qiang 忁 VzzW [ {2 n String getMidExpression (); / / 穬 biting N * Npef [梴 / gh 埦? _ bravely and P Double getExpressionVal (string strExp); / / Duo N * N - N  h 埦? _hl 廱 cbT  h 埦? _h Stack CalculType getLatExpr (stack CalculType SCT); / / $N * NpeKN 魰 袕 bravely 梴 Double optration (double num1, char opt, double num2); / /  梴 N * NT  h 埦? _ P bravely Double getExprVal (stack CalculType sLatExpr); Int main (int argc, char * argv []) { Strin



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