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有较强的学术研究潜力,英文 篇一:2015上进教育名校学术联盟高三调研考试(三) 英语联考答案 智慧上进·名校学术联盟?高三调研考试(三) 英语参考答案 听力原文 Text 1 W: Do you have any trip plan this summer? M: Not really. I have just finished my degree and I have to hunt for a job fit for me. Text 2 M: Grading the papers ought to be easier than ever this year unless the computer breaks down. W: That?s because of the development of technology. Text 3 M: Do you know about the business hours of the newly-opened book store at the corner? W: It opens at 9:00 and closes at 6:00 during the week, and on weekends it closes one hour earlier at 5:00. Text 4 M: How should I take the medicine, doctor? W: Take two of these pills before meal. Remember two pills before meal. And you must drink plenty of water. Text 5 W: It?s 9 o?clock now. Here is the book list. Jack, go to buy the books I need before the book store closes. M: Yes, Professor Smith. I will. But will we have to carry out the experiment over the night? W: We have to. A fresh idea occurred to me and we may have new discovery tonight. Text 6 W: I?m leaving England tomorrow. How time flies! M: Really? W: Yes. I?ve come to say good-bye to you. Thank you for your help. M: But why? What are you going to do? W: I?ve got a job as a doctor with a medical team. They want me to go to Nigeria. M: What! You?re joking! W: Look, I didn?t tell you because nothing was certain. But I got a letter this morning. I?m going to miss you very much and I don?t want to end our friendship. But I do want to see the world. M: It?s a pity we have to part. I wish you good luck. W: The same to you. Good-bye. M: Good-bye! Text 7 W: So many nice coats! I can?t decide which one to buy. M: How about the green one? W: Oh, it looks nice. How much is it? M: Let me see. It?s more than 400 yuan. W: It?s too expensive. I prefer the pink one. What do you think of it? M: It?s OK, but why not try on a blue one? I know you want to appear special. W: Good idea! What?s it made of? M: It?s a silk


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