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Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R.;Detailed Study of paragraph 7;The Nazi regime is indistinguishable from the worst features of Communism. It is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination.;I see the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of thier native land,guarding the fields where their fathers have tilled from time immemorial. Isee them guarding their homes where mothers and wives pray for the safety of their loved ones,the return of the bread-winner,of their champion,of their protector. Isee the ten thousand villages of Russia where the means of existence is wrung so hardly from the soil,but where there are still primordial human joys,where maidens laugh and children play. Isee advancing upon all this in hideous onslaught the Nazi war machine,with its clanking,heel-clicking,dandified Prussian officers,its crafty expert agents fresh from the cowing and tying down of a dozen countries. I see also the dull,drilled,docile,brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts ; sentences;;I see also the dull,drilled,docile,brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. Paraphrase:I also see huge crowds of well-trained and stupid German soldiers marching heavily on the Russian land like a group of crawling locusts.They were obedient to Hitlers orders and cruel to common people. I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky,still smarting from many a British whipping,delighted to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey. Paraparase:I see the German bombers and fighters flying in the sky attacking the Russian army.They were once beaten by the British Royal Air Force,and now are happy because they think their enemy in Russia is much easier and safer conquer.; Behind all this glare,behind all this storm.I see that small group of villainous men who plan,organize,and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind... Paraphrase:It is a small group of evil me


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