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摘要 摘 要 《大使》是德国文艺复兴时期著名肖像画画家小汉斯·荷尔拜因的代表作品。 自它问世以来,人们似乎一直隔着一层神秘的面纱来对它进行窥视。除去人物之 外,画面中间的静物和前景中歪曲骷髅头骨一直是人们争论的焦点。而如何揭开 这层面纱,还这幅文艺复兴时期创作的伟大作品以本来面目,并对其成因加以探 讨,进而解读画面隐藏的深层寓意便成为这篇文章的着力点之所在。本文力图在 仔细研读可找到的国外相关原典基础之上,从天文学、几何学、历史学、图像学、 神学等多个角度出发,首先建构当时的社会背景和文化环境,接着在描述细节的 基础上分析画面的线条与构图。这有助于步步接近隐藏于画面之下的象征和寓 意。它们与图画本身具有直接论证关系,是多样性与统一性的完美结合,最终画 面上的所有元素都将指向一个共同的主题。文章中考虑的“意图”并非描述荷尔 拜因的心理活动,而是借助《大使》中各个母题与可分析的时代背景实现分析性 研究荷尔拜因的目的和创作手段,分析画面深层的宗教主题和神学寓意,进而透 过“艺术之书”近距离地接触那个纷繁复杂的时代。 关键字:文艺复兴 《大使》描述与说明 图像学 神学寓意 I Abstract Abstract The Ambassadors is the representative piece of works of Hans Holbein of Younger, who is one of the outstanding German painters in the period of the Renaissance. Since then, it has become an enigmatical painting ,which prompts people to wonder why Holbein beguiled us with his portrait of two youthful ambassadors standing to the sides of a still life with many unfamiliar artifacts, and why he placed a distorted image of a human skull in the foreground. The purpose of the paper is to unveil the painting and probe into the allegory concealed. On the basis of the thorough searching into relevant foreign books in light of astronomy, geometry, history, iconology, theology and so on, this paper attempts to analyze The Ambassadors in the following three aspects. First, to reconstructing the social status and cultural background of the specific time. Second, to describe the details of the painting so as to analyze the line and composition. During the period, the analysis of details and composition will contribute to acce


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