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英语中的颜色丰富多彩 英语中有许多颜色词具有特别的意义,适当使用这些词,会使语言变得更加丰富多彩。 1.black 黑色 1)to beat someone black and blue 把某人打得鼻青脸肿 He was beaten black and blue when he refused to say sorry. 当他拒绝道歉时被打得鼻青脸肿。 2)in black and white 白纸黑字 I won’t believe it unless I see it in black and white. 除非我见到书面文字,否则我不会相信。 3)the black sheep (of the family) 败家子 George is the black sheep of the family. 乔治是他们家的败家子。 4)a black look 愤怒的表情 He gave me such a black look when I passed him. 我从他身边走过时,他恶狠狠地瞪了我一眼。 5)black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡 2.blue 蓝色 1)to feel blue / to have the blue / to be in the blues 心情郁闷 He was in the blues when he heard that he failed the exam again. 当他听说他考试有没有及格,心情简直糟透了。 2)out of the blue 意想不到的 The news was a great shock to me; it came absolutely out of the blue. 这消息对他来说简直就是晴天霹雳。 3)blue blood 高贵的血统 The prince of the country will not marry any girl who has no blue blood. 这个国家的王子不会与没有高贵血统的姑娘结婚。 4)once in a blue moon 极少;罕见 A thing like that only happens once in a blue moon. 那样的事情很少发生。 5)a blue-collar worker 蓝领工人 3.brown 褐色 to be in a brown study 陷入沉思 I left him in a brown study thinking over the question. 我让他仔细思考这个问题。 4.green 绿色 1)to have green fingers 精通园艺 Look at Mr. White’s garden. He must have green fingers. 看看怀特先生的花园。他肯定非常精通园艺。 2)to be green 幼稚;缺乏经验 He was so green that he was cheated several times. 他很幼稚,已经受了好几次骗了。 5.grey 灰白色 to turn grey 长白头发 After twenty years of teaching, he has turned grey. 当了20年教师后,他的头发都灰白了。 6.pink 粉红色 1)to be in the pink 身体健康 It’s certain that he is in the pink, for he can still eat a lot. 他身体肯定很健康,因为他还很能吃。 2)to see pink elephants 喝醉酒 When you see pink elephants, you can’t drive. 当你喝醉酒时,你不能开车。 7.red 红色 1)to see red 突然生气 When I see a man beating a child, I see red. 当我看到一个人打孩子的时候,我非常生气。 2)to catch someone red-handed 当场抓住某人 The policeman caught the thief red-handed. 警察当场抓住了小偷。 3)to put out the red carpet (for someone) 欢迎(某人) They put out the red carpet for their future son-in-law. 他们欢迎未来的女婿。 4)to be in the red 欠债 I am in the red now. I spent too much money last mon


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