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CHINA UNIVERSITY OF POLITICAL AND SCIENCE MEMORANDUM DATE: November 5, 2012 TO: Student Services Director FROM: Fancy Woo SUBJECT: Progress Report on Accessibility Signs As requested, here’s the progress report on installation of accessibility signs for people with disabilities in student apartment building. ● Installation of the disabled phone identification ● Installation of the disabled elevator identification ● Installation of the disabled toilets identification ● Installation of the disabled landside identification ● Installation of the disabled parking identification Please contact me if you have any question. CHINA UNIVERSITY OF POLITICAL AND SCIENCE PROGRESS REPORT on ACCESSIBILITY SIGNS by Fancy Woo Submitted to Student Services Director November 10,2012 INTRODUCTION China University of Political and Science,is currently involved in several major capital accessibility signs for people with disabilities in student apartment building: installation of the disabled phone identification, installation of the disabled channel identification, installation of the disabled elevator identification, installation of the disabled toilets identification. Progress has been made on all of these projects, although there have been a few problems. WORK COMPLETED Installation of Disabled Phone Identification The telephones installed specifically for people with disabilities are located in the middle of each floor, and now the disabled phone identifications have begun to install. Installation of Disabled Elevator Identification The left side of the apartment building with elevators for the disabled have installed the special signs. Installation of Disabled Toilets Identification All the toilets of the apartment building for the disabled have installed the special signs. WORK REMIANING Installation of Disabled Channel Identification Special signs for persons with disabilities to facilitate their access . Installation of Disabled Landside Identification Identify the special


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