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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 二氯异氰尿酸 优氯净; 三氯异氰尿酸 强氯精 * 洁尔灭;新洁尔灭;二硫氰基甲烷;溴化丙酰胺DBNPA; 戊二醛 15%产品加50~100ppm,适合碱性PH 生物分散剂 7348 73550 * * Proper monitoring and control is important for effective application of a biocide program. Oxidizing biocides can be directly tested for available oxidant level in the cooling water. There is no practical method of directly testing the amount of non-oxidizing biocide. The effectiveness of a particular biocide dosage can be indirectly measured using two methods. Cooling water can be measured for microbio culture counts. If the count is too high, the biocide dosage is adjusted. another method is the biofouling monitor. This allows measurement of biofilm formation on a tube surface. * * * 预膜剂种类:聚磷酸盐,磷酸盐、钼酸盐、亚硝酸盐、锌盐。 水质要求:浊度10 FTU ;Fe 1 ppm PH的控制非常重要,高了,预膜不均匀,有沉积,低了膜不能形成,甚至有腐蚀。调节PH,可计算好硫酸加入量 浊度也很关键,控制好PH并加入分散剂 钙离子应在100ppm 以上,不足补加氯化钙 * 垢样的大致分析氧化铁 80%为腐蚀;60~70% 一般 ;.50%缓蚀效果良好。 SiO2 AL2O3表示淤泥,砂土SiO2一般6% 550℃灼烧失重,表示有机物,》30%属生物粘泥.950℃减量表示碳酸盐分解 CaO和MgO是钙镁垢的量,再结合CO2/P2O5的成分判断。 SO3不是生物粘泥中有硫酸盐还原菌。 这是通常的分析,还要结合水质及系统处理方案的特点分析。 * 非氧化性杀生剂使用时注意:有些不能和氯同时加。注意和水处理药剂的相容性,避免出现相互作用,生成沉淀。加药点和其它药剂保持一定距离。 * 这是一个很重要的管理思路。具体说来就是要从机械(物理)、操作和化学品三方面同时着手,简称MOC,这是纳尔科公司努力创导的,而且在许多现场成功的解决了存在的问题。。 * 这是被很多人忽略的方面 * * 粘泥量的测定:使用163目(25#)滤网过滤1M3 循环水截留的物质。 * * * * * * This chart shows the performance of the two classes of polymers, HSP and Standard at a very high level of Ca (1500 ppm). The dosage is in active ppm. The chart not only shows the superiority of HSP, it also indicates the limit of standard polymers. Beyond a certain level of stress condition, standard polymers will not achieve good performance under any practically feasible dosage. It also shows that for good performance there is a minimum level of polymer that needs to be injected. Compromising on dosage in this threshold-region will lead to troubles. The cost saving obtained is simply not worth the loss in performance. * This chart compares the performance as a function of temp


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