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Unit 3 Under the sea 捕鲸(whale hunting),将系有绳索的铦或叉、镖等,采用射击或投掷方式刺入鲸体进行猎捕。猎捕对象有须鲸和齿鲸两类,以蓝鲸、长须鲸、露脊鲸、抹香鲸、座头鲸、北极鲸、灰鲸、鳁鲸、小鳁鲸等为主。由于鲸油是贵重的工业原料,历史上欧洲和美洲一些国家的捕鲸活动长盛不衰。自20世纪中叶起,由于过度猎捕导致资源衰退以及国际上对捕鲸的限制,捕鲸业已趋衰落。 传统捕鲸方法:6名捕鲸者离开大船,乘小艇追逐鲸鱼,小艇通常长8.5公尺,装备有具倒钩的捕鲸铦和长索。鲸一旦被铦刺中,便带着绳索逃遁,直到筋疲力尽浮出水面,人们在那儿用捕鲸枪(一种更长的捕鲸铦)将它杀死,用绳索拖到大船边,用有刃的长枪割取油脂,并把尸体抛弃。 现代捕鲸业肇: 挪威人福伊恩发明了一种捕鲸炮,用来发射内充炸药的标枪。后来又使用了动力船,与捕鲸炮相得益彰,这些方法使用至今几乎没有什么变化。 baleen whale killer blow-hole whalers ______ whale _______whales catch/kill a___ The whaler hunting at the beginning of 20th century. ssistant Killer whales help whalers catch (baleen )whales . killer whales 1. Which kind of whale eat meat? A killer whale B blue whale C humpback whale (驼背鲸) 2. Which family do killer whales belong to ? A shark B dolphin C whale baleen whale 3. The killer is sometimes called the “___ of the sea because they worked as a team and they were very fierce. A. wolf B. dog C. tiger 4. Who will be the leader of the team? A. male whales B. female whales C. baby whales 5. Are Killer whales likely to attack people and eat people? A. Yes B. No Reading Old Tom the killer whale Time Place Type of the article (文体) job Writer an old man called Clancy a whaler anecdote on the southeastern of Australia at the beginning of the 20th century a whaler Short text on P.19: Find out the main ideas describes a hunting experience about how the killer whales helped the whalers to hunt a whale. tells about how a killer whale saved James, a whaler. The first anecdote The second anecdote ( ) George started beating the water with his oar ( ) Clancy jumped into the boat with the whalers. ( ) Clancy arrived at the whaling station ( ) The killers started racing between our boat and the whale ( ) Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay ( ) Clanc