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2. Core Values 价值观 Linear individuality and circular integrity 线单环整 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向 Individualism Collectivism 1. Everybody taking care of himself 2. “I” consciousness 3. Independence from organizations 4. Emphasis on individual initiative 5. Privacy important 6. Belief in individual decisions 1. People protected by families or clans 2. “We” consciousness 3. Dependence on organizations 4. Emphasis on affiliation with organizations 5. Sharing important 6. Belief in community decisions 个体主义 团体主义 1. 各人关心自己 2. “我”的意识强 3. 独立于团体 4. 强调个人努力 5. 隐私重要 6. 相信个人决定 1. 个人受家庭或家族保护 2. “我们”的意识强 3. 依赖团体 4. 注重团体归属 5. 共享重要 6. 信任群体决策 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向 Confucius’ proposition: 天下为公,君子应先人后己。 A public spirit should rule everything under the sun and a gentleman should put others’ interest above his own. Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向 Proverb:天下兴亡,匹夫有责。 Everyone has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country. Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向 Jean Brick’s China ( 1995): Private interests are vested in the group, that is, in the family or in the community, and not in the individual. True self-fulfillment for the individual lies in fulfilling social responsibilities to the greatest extent possible. In fact, the establishment of harmonious social relations is seen as an absolute necessity, without which any development is impossible. Four Levels of Principle Utter devotion to others without thought of self. 毫不利己,专门利人。(Extreme altruism) One for all and all for one. 我为人人, 人人为我 。 Seeking private interests subjectively and benefiting others objectively. 主观为己,客观为人 。 Everyone pursues his own interests, or Heaven and Earth will destroy him. / Each for himself and Devil take the hindmost. 人不为己,天诛地灭 。(Extreme egoism) 2. Core Values 价值观 Linear individuality and circular integrity 线单环整 3. Outlook on time


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