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成大中文學報 第四十九期 2015 年6 月 頁75-112 國立成功大學中文系 從《四書集注》到 《四書大全》─ 朱熹後學之學術系譜考察 陳逢源* 摘 要 四書成為經典,有賴朱熹完成《四書章句集注》,但就影響層面而言,明代科舉 定制才是四書「官學化」最重要推手,明成祖敕纂《四書大全》,挾其皇權威勢,一 改士人成學方式,四書先於五經,成為儒學的核心所在。檢覈其中,刊落歧異,整 合前說,形成朱熹、門人、元儒一系相承的經說體系,建構朱熹昂然挺出的宗主地 位,比對徵引內容,可以得見重構脈絡的訴求。《四書大全》從新孜一系承繼元儒注 解四書的成果,另一方面也回應新孜學人與北山、雙峰爭奪朱學宗主地位的主張, 宋元之際,學脈日分,由學脈、宗派而及於宗族鄉里情懷,轉而成為捍衛朱熹學術 的信念,形構《四書大全》最核心的訴求,釐清朱熹以後四書詮釋的學術系譜,以 及複雜的四書傳衍過程,遂有更為清楚的觀察。 關鍵詞:朱熹、四書大全、北山、雙峰、新安 * 國立政治大學中國文學系教授。 75 成 大 中 文 學 報 第 四 十 九 期 From Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books (Sishu Jizhu) to Encyclopedia of the Four Books (Sishu Daquan) —A Survey of the Academic Pedigree of Zhu Xi’s Pupils Chen Feng-Yuan Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University Abstract Zhu Xi’s work, Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books (Sishu Zhangju Jizhu), made the Four Books become canons, while the establishment of the official examination system in the Ming Dynasty was the main cause of officialization of the Four Books . In fact, Yongle Emperor (Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty) decreed to compile Encyclopedia of the Four Books . With the imperial authority, scholars changed their way of pursuing studies when the Four Books transcended the Five Classics and became the core of the Confucian Philosophy. According to these facts, the inheritance of the thoughts from Zhu Xi to his disciples, and then from his disciples to the Yuan scholars became the main system of the classics, which constructs the predominant position of Zhu Xi. Through compa


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