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激光陶瓷打印机105B型号操作说明书: Laser ceramic printer model 105B operating instructions: 首先,欢迎你选购我公司生产的105B彩色激光陶瓷打印机: First of all, you are welcome to buy 105B color laser printer company production of ceramics: 105B彩色激光陶瓷打印机环境要求: 温度:正常室温 湿度:10-35之间 105B color laser printer environment ceramics: 温度:正常室温 Temperature: normal room 湿度:10-35之间 Humidity: 10-35 摄氏度度量衡 华氏度 = 32 + 摄氏度 × 1.8 摄氏度 = (华氏度 - 32) ÷ 1.8 When you receive a 105B color laser ceramic printer our back, dont immediately to make porcelain, first of all to the printer manufacturing a constant temperature drying cabinet, to put the whole maintain printer, printer drying. The temperature should not exceed 48 degrees Celsius temperature cabinet. (weights and measures 华氏度 = 32 + 摄氏度 × 1.8 F = 32 + C x 1.8 摄氏度 = (华氏度 - 32) ÷ 1.8 C = (Hua Shidu 32), 1.8 ) ) 前面的准备工作做好后,我们开始安装打印机驱动程序,点电脑开始——传真和打印机——添加打印机——下一步——选择连接到此计算机的本地打印机——使用以下端口选择USB的打印端口——从磁盘安装——浏览——选择驱动所在的盘符(SC文件夹——FXPS文件夹——PCL文件夹——WIN2000_XP)——打开——确定——选择FX DOCUPRINT 105B——下一步——设为默认打印机——完成。 In front of the preparatory work done, we begin to install the printer driver, computer start -- fax and printer -- add printer -- the next step -- select local printer attached to this computer -- use the following port select Print port USB -- from disk -- browsing -- select drive where the drive (SC -- FXPS -- folder folder the folder PCL -- WIN2000_XP) -- FX DOCUPRINT -- Determination of open -- 105B -- the next step -- is set as the default printer -- complete. 驱动安装完毕后,我们开始清除打印机鼓芯中的载体里面的碳粉(因为你购买的不是我们更换好载体的打印机,我们网店里9800元人民币的打印机是我们全部改造好的,就不需要打印了)所以要通过打印色块来清除打印机里面的碳粉。 Driver is installed, we began to clear carrier printer drum core inside the toner (because you dont buy our replacement good carrier printer, we shop 9800 yuan of the printer is we all good, do not need to print) to remove inside the printer by printing color toner. 首先,打开Adobe Photoshop 软件(如图) First, open the Adobe Photoshop software (Figure) 点文件新键,建一个A4文件,颜色模式为CMYK,将红,黄,蓝,黑各安百分之二十五的比例分布在A4的画布上, Some new key f


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