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Treatment 8.2 The pharmacological treatment of cognitive dysfunction in MS has yielded mixed results. Disease-modifying therapies have proved disappointing, notwithstanding their ability to bring about improvement in brain MRI metrics. Currently has related research suggests that interferon beta-1b (干扰素β-1b) can improve the cognitive power of the patients with SPMS(secondary progressive MS); also droperidol methylphenidate(哌醋甲酯), modafinil(莫达非尼) and l-amphetamine( L- 苯丙胺 )seems to have certain curative effect. Treatment 8.3 In summary, insfficient evidence currently exists to support medication or cognitive retraining as effective treatments for cognitive impairment in progressive multiple sclerosis ,although promising data for cognitive retraining (认知功能再训练)in mixed samples of patients with MS are duly noted. Exercise seems to benefit cognition, but replication studies are needed and the best type of exercise needs to be clarified. Treatment 9.Depression (抑郁状态) 9.1 Between a third and half of all patients with multiple sclerosis will develop major depression during the course of their lives. it is also a major determinant of quality of life. Therefore, the fact that depression is often overlooked in neurological clinics and, even when detected, inadequately treated. Treatment 9.2 A Cochrane review of antidepressant medication for multiple sclerosis-related depression noted modest benefits and prominent side-effects, focused on various forms of psychotherapy for patients with multiple sclerosis was more enthusiastic about cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT)认知行为疗法, the findings are again weighted appreciably in favour of individuals with RRMS. Treatment 10.Pseudobulbar affect (假性延髓情绪) 10.1 Pseudobulbar affect (pathological laughing and crying), which is present in up to 10% of patients with multiple sclerosis, mainly occurrs in patients with SPMS. 10.2 A combination of dextromethorphan(右美沙芬) and quinidine(奎尼丁) is endorsed in the American Academy of Ne



