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第 38卷 第 9期 Vo.l 38 No. 9 2010年 9月 Sept. 2010 火电厂建设项目实施过程后评价指标体系研究 , , ( , 102206) : , , : ; ;; : ( : ( 1962), ,, , : TM621 : A : 2010) S tudy on Ind icator Sy stem for Pos tE valuation of Therm al Pow er P lan t Construction Project NIUDongxiao, LI Jianqing, MA X iaoyong ( SchoolofEcono y andM anage ent, North China ElectricPowerUniv. , Beijing 102206, China) A bstrac t: Based on the results and roles of theproject, the ethod ofpostevaluation is to analyses the causes and in fluential factors of the consequences occurring during the i ple entation process, and evaluates the project anage ent decision, the design and start preparation, the control of i ple entation process, the final acceptance and the operation preparation. This ethod was applied to the eighth expansion project in theTher al Power Plant of Baod ing, using atterele ent and extension ode,l as standards of appraisal target syste . K ey w ord s: ther alpower construction projects; the i ple entation process postevaluation; indicator syste ; at terele ent and extension odel F oundation item s: TheN ationalNaturalScience Foundation ofChina(GrantNo. ,, [ 1, 2] , 2010. [ 2] , , . [ J]. , 2009, (3): 1719. [ 3] , , . , [J]. , 2008, 36( 12): 1012. [ 4] . [M]. : , 2000. ,, [ 5] ,


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