Biochemistry-chapter 1(英文1).ppt

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Biochemistry-chapter 1(英文1)

Yongge Wu School of Life Science National Engineering Laboratory of Aids Vaccine Jilin University Conclusion: The transforming factor from the dead bacterium SIII into the bacterium RII is DNA instead of protein。 DNA carries genetic information. In 1946,G.Beadle (American biologist) and E.Tatum proved that a gene controls the synthesis of a enzyme.And they theorized “One gene one enzyme hypothesis”. Period 3 Rapid Development Phase——From 1950s to present. The composition, sequence, structure and function of biological macromolecular such as protein, enzyme and nucleic acid were researched profoundly. Chemical synthesis technology was been greatly developed. Genetic engineering was established. In 1950, Pauling put forward α-Helix of protein secondary structure. In 1953, J.Watson F.Crick established “DNA Double Helix Model”. It is the milestone of modern Molecular Biology. In 1958, F.Crick put forward “central dogma”. In 1966, Nirenberg Khorana decoded genetic code. R.Franklin F.Crick J.watson M. Wilkins In 1953 and 1975, F.Sanger won two Nobel Prizes as the invention of methods of protein sequencing and nucleic acid sequencing respectively. In 1961, F.Jacob and J.Monod put forward “operon theory”. The inventor of DNA sequencing, double Nobel prize winner Fred Sanger In 1970, H.Temin and D.Baltimore found reverse transcriptase meantiem. In 1972~1973, Paul Berg and Cohen etc. established DNA recombinant technology resulting in birth of “Genetic Engineering”. Basic procedure of gene cloning Target DNA fragment RE digestion Plasmid RE digestion Ligation Recombinant plasmid Target DNA fragment Transformation E.Coli without vector die E.Coli with vector grow Culture in the medium containing antibiotic In 1975,E.Southern invented molecular hybridization to probe DNA—”Southern Blot”. In 1982 and 1983,T.Cech and S.Altman discovered “ribozyme” respectively. In 1985,K. Mullis invented “Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)”. Cech Altman Mullis Human Genomic Project


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