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26 6 JOURNAL OF GUANGXI ADMINISTRATIVE Vol1261 No16 2011 11 CADRE INSTITUTE OF POLITICS AND LAW Nov12011 Type of Co structio i the Crimi al Trial of Seco d I sta ce ZHANG Yi (Law school of Sha do g U iversity, Ji a , Sha do g 250100) [Abstract] In China, A full review is requir ed by t he criminal procedure law to identify the appellant and its crime in the crim- inal trial of second instance, but this principle wastes a lot of judicial r esources, hinders to reali e the functio n of the criminal trial of second instance, and obstructs to publici e the justice. In order to make the procedure more scientific, we should sort the appel- late case into four ty pes, they are factual dispute case, error of law case, violation of procedur e case, and unr easonable sentencing case. [Key words] cr iminal trial of second instance, principle of full r eview , factual dispute, t ype of construction 张 毅 ( , 250100) [ ] 二审法官对 事上诉案件进行全面审查既不 , : 符合诉讼经济要求, 也不利于二审程序功能的实现, 同时还 , 有碍正义的伸张将上诉案件区分为事实争议法律适用 , / 错误程序违法量 不当四种类型, 并进行分类管理是我 , 国 事二审程序改革的有效举措 [ ] 二审程序; 全面审查; 事实争议; 类型化构建 , [ ] DF73 [ ] A , [ ] 1008- 8628( 20 11) 06- 0091- 06 0[ 1] , , / 0/ 0 , , , , , , ; / 0 ; , , ,


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