10套听力强化 听力原文及答案解析.pdf

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www.TopwayE www.TopwayE Test1 听力录音原文与详解 合了两人的资源袁可排除选项A遥选项C是最佳答案遥此外袁对话中并没有提到她 们的具体投资情况袁故可排除选项B尧D遥 PART I DICTATION 3. [A] 揖解析铱 细节题遥 对话中问及利润和损失的分配问题袁女士谈到野它们渊即利润与 Doctor蒺s Orders 损失冤都被平分冶袁即她们共同分享利润尧共同分担损失袁也就是选项A遥 You蒺re going to have to change your diet quite considerably. / In particular, you蒺re going to have to avoid all these fast foods you蒺ve been eating. / And you蒺re Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. going to have to try not to eat too much bread. / But if you do eat bread, you must have it with unsalted butter on / and definitely no margarine. / And you can eat some W: Hi, got any plans for tonight fish要but not canned fish. / The meat you eat mustn蒺t be any of the prepared meats, / M: Hi, not yet. Any suggestions as I mentioned before, like hamburgers or sausages. / Fresh fruit and vegetables are W: I just got two tickets to the opening of an exhibit of reprints by Julia Margaret very good, / but if you cook them, / don蒺t put any salt in the water you use. / Now, Cameron. there蒺s no harm in eating potato chips / or however you like them, / but don蒺t buy M: An exhibit I like such things. But I don蒺t know who Julia...



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