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24 06 2007 06 : 1006 - 9348( 2007) 06 - 0296- 05 1, 2 1 1 余义斌 , 曹长修 , 李昌兵 ( 1. , 400044; 2. , 524088) : , , : , : ; ; ; ; : TP212 : A Localization for SensorNetworksBased onW eighted- Centroid 1, 2 1 1 YU Y i- b in , CAO Chang- xi , LI Chang- b ing ( 1. A tom ation A cadem y, Chongq ing Un iversity, Chongqing 400044, Ch ina; 2. Eng ineering College, G angdong O cean Un iversity, Zhanjiang G angdong 524088, Ch ina) ABSTRACT: Sensor netw orks are com posed of a large n m ber of low - cost, low - powered, random ly deployed, nattended, rad io range- lmi ited and m lti- f nctionalm icro sensor nodes. The inherent characteristics m ake it very diffic lt to locate nknow n nodes in the networks. In th is paper, a d istrib ted algorithm s ing few locations of anchor nodes and range m eas rem ent betw een nknown node and an anchor node is presented in order to red ce the localization error, mi prove the rob stness to the range m eas rem ent no ise, and low er the com p tat ional com p lexity. This algorithm t ilizes ang lar w eigh ted f nction, w eigh ted polygon and alternating com b inat ion trilateration m ethods to avoid sing anchors. o tlier inform ation. Sim lations have verified its acc racy, rob stnessw ith respect to range m eas rem ent noise, low comp lex ity and low comm n ication overhead com pared to other smi ilar algorithm s. KEYW RDS: Sensor netw orks; Localization; Ang lar w eight f nction; W eighted - cen troid; A lt



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