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signs There is a bench under the big tree. The man can swim across the river. Unit 4 Finding your way Grammar A It is __ panda. ____ panda is eating bamboo. a The Step1:presentation in the cage It is __monkey. _____monkey is eating an apple. a The It is __ elephant. ____ elephant is walking . an The It is __ apple . ____apple is red. an The Step2:自主探究(一):Watch and discuss in groups the difference between a and an。 a panda, an elephant, a monkey, an apple 结论:a用于辅音音素开头的单词或字母前, an用于元音音素开头的单词或字母。 How to use a and an ( a, e, i, o, f [ef], h [eit?], l [el], m [em], n [en], r [a:], s [es], x [eks] )前 小鱼飞到月亮上休闲一下 Fish fly moon relax Step3: exercise: 用a或an填空 ___ lion ___bird ___orange ___“L” ___“F” ___ old man ___ “u” ___uncle ___ UFO ___ interesting film ___ hour ___ English book a a an an an an an an a an a 特别提醒: U开头的单词有的用a,有的是用an,关键看发音 an Step4:rules: 不定冠词a/an 的具体用法 1.She is a girl. 表示泛指,指某类人或事物中的“一个”。 2.There are seven days in a week. We have three meals a day. 指人或事物,但不具体说明何人或何物。 3.There’s a tree on the hill. He has an interesting book . 表示“一个”,但数的概念没有 one 强。 4.An elephant is bigger than a horse. A car runs faster than a bike. 指某类人或事物中的任何一个(一般不翻译为“一个”)。 5.Look. There is a baby panda. It’s so small. 首次提到的人或物。 6. a lot of\ a bit\have a rest\have a cold\a kind of\a piece of\have a good time 用于某些固定词组中。 It is a panda . The panda is eating bamboo. It is a monkey. The monkey is eating an apple. It is an elephant. The elephant is walking . It is an apple . The apple is red. Step5:自主探究(二): Watch and discuss in groups how to use the 结论: 当我们首次提到某人或某物时,在前面用不定冠词a/an。 当我们再次提到某人或某物时,我们在前面加定冠词“the”。 不定冠词用法 冠词a, an两种帽,许多名词都需要。 开头读音若是元,要把an 帽来挑选。 辅音起首戴a 帽,记住规律莫乱套。 定冠词用法 特指双方熟悉,上文已经提及。 世上独一无二,方位名词乐器。 某些专有名词,外加复数姓氏。 序数词最高级,习惯用语要特记。 Step 6:Exercise: Fun in the zoo (P47) 1 a 2 a 3 The 4 the 5 an 6 a 7 a 8 an 9 the 10 the Read and answer. 1. Where do Millie and Daniel go first? 2. Does the baby panda look like its mother? 3.Wher


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