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中考英语分册复习七年级下册 Modules1-5 七年级下册 Modules1-5 1. Words 单词 2. Phrases 短语 3. Sentences Structures 句型 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。Work in groups of 4-6 people. (小组活动, 4-6人一组,) 1. You can make ______(friend)with the foreigners. 2. We are also going __________(sightsee) and going to have a picnic on the beach. 3. We are going to cheer the_______(play). 4. To tell you the____(true), I dont like the film. 5. I think Tian Liang is an excellent ________ (swim). 6. I often do some _______(clean) at weekends. 7. When he was three years old, he was able to _______(ride) a bike. 3. there be 句型 (某地存在某物) (1) 一般现在时的“有” (2) 一般过去时的“有” (3)一般将来时的“有” Homework 1. Learn to sing the song Everything I do ( I do it for you). 2. Do the rest exercises (中考宝典 P13-16) 5. win--won--won 意为“赢得(某个项目), 后面一般接match, race, war, prize, game等。 beat--beat--beaten意为“打败”。beat后可接人或队名, 意思是“击败对手”。 lose--lost--lost 失败,失去 miss-- missed--missed 错过,丢失(思念,想念) 单项选择。 ( ) 1.My friend Jenny often helps ___ with ____ English.(2013,宜宾) A. I;we B.me;my C. my;me D.I;my ( )2.—Do you enjoy ____ a volunteer? —If you want ___this, youd better join us. A. being;knowing B. to be;knowing C. being;to know D. to be;to know ( ) 3.—Do you know ____ a report on English learning tomorrow morning? —Really?Ill go and listen to it. A. is there B. there is going to have C. will there be D. there is going to be B C D 4.—Have you seen the film Coming Home directed by Zhang Yimou?(2014,潍坊) —Not yet. Im ____ seeing it. Its said the film is great! A. looking forward B. looking out for C. look forward to D. looking forward to 5.The child doesnt need any help. He is old enough to ____ himself. A. put on B. wear C. dress D.dress up D C ( ) 6. --Mike,please turn down the music, ___ Lucy _____ Lily are sleeping. --Sorry,Ill do it right away.(2013,黔西南) A. neither;nor B.either;or C. both;and D.not only;but also ( )7. My sister ____ h


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