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Religion is a kind of culture Chinese culture seeks common ground while reserving differences inclusive and equitable, advocates absorbing all kinds thoughts and culture in the world, so nature regards religion as a kind of culture. Religion is a social, historical and cultural phenomenon Social phenomenon: It only exists in human society Historical phenomenon: Religion has a dying process Cultural phenomenon: Such as building, painting and thought. Religion’s effect From social angle: Providing a tool to make society stable or providing a organizational means to against a rule, or leading a group to integrate into society, or leading a group to perish. From a personal angle: Giving a spiritual shelter for curing the wound and pain, or providing a personal life goal to pursue for. From rule angle: Religion also can be internal tool for political struggle. China’s religion The sources and development of religious concepts The concept of Chinese religion formed about the Paleolithic Period The concept of “All things have spirit” In the ancient times, low productivity leads to primitive society for spiritualization. Many people thought that “Death for ghost ,trees have fine rocks to think ,birds and animals can speak .” The concept of soul can’t disappear and ghost god The original thought that if somebody put out the form of him ,his soul could be still alive in another world which is same with the living life. The worship for the god Original religion dated back to Yin Shang slaves society, and then gradually became the Man-made religion. Appearing the almighty god. The main forms of original religion How many kinds of original religion in ancient times? The worship of god is based on the concept of “All things have spirit and soul can’t disappear”. Totem worship Reproduction worship The ancient lived in a cruel environment. Population increase decided


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