中国文化之中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy Of Chinese Culture.ppt

中国文化之中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy Of Chinese Culture.ppt

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中国文化之中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy Of Chinese Culture

About Taoism Laozi or Lao Tzu (570 B.C.-490 B.C.) is the founder of Daoism and the author of Dao De Jing. Representatives About Taoism The butterfly dream Representatives Peripateticism About Taoism Wuwei De Yin and Yang The harmony between man and nature Main doctrines of Taoism About Taoism Wuwei (无为):Wuwei can be translated as “non-action”, or “do nothing”. It doesn’t mean the absence of action. It means quietude, non-aggression, and non-meddlesome action. It is not negative; there is affirmation in the quietism of wuwei; its attendant virtues in human life are kindness, sincerity and humanity. Main doctrines of Taoism About Taoism De (德): De can be understood as power of morality, or power for good. It is the power of naturalness, of simplicity, even of weakness. It teaches of survival, of how to keep one’s own integrity in the time of disorder. Main doctrines of Taoism About Taoism Yin and Yang: Within the Dao, the two elementary powers, Yin and Yang, function by reciprocal 相互的 action. Yin and Yang are the two polar opposite into which all things can be classified. Thus dark and light, life and death, male and female, good and evil, strong and weak are all manifestations of Yin and Yang. Main doctrines of Taoism About Taoism “Book of the way and its power” is the doctrine of Daoism consisting of both prose and poetry with 81 chapters and about 5,000 words. Dao De Jing About Taoism 1.上善若水,水善利万物而不争。 The best of men is like water; Water benefits all things and does not compete with them. Quotations About Taoism The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal The Name that can be named is not the eternal Name The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth The named is the mother of myriad things 2.道,可道,非恒道。名,可名,非恒名。 无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。 Quotations About Taoism 1. The harmony between man and nature The contribution of Taoism to Chinese culture 2. A good mentality for life 道教名胜 河北省十堰市武当山 武当山 陕西西安华山 四川-成都-都江堰-青城山 江西上饶市玉山县三清山 北京白云观 江西龙虎山 茅山---江苏省句容市和金坛市交界处 About


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