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Once Zhu ge liang was confronted with an extremely dangerous situation: An enemy battalion 150,000 strong was approaching an isolated city garrisoned by only a handful of old soldiers under his command when his main force was away. Zhu ge liang ordered all the flags in sight to be taken down and all the city gates thrown open. He had soldiers dressed as scavengers to sweep the streets at the city gates. No one was permitted to move about or make any noise. The dressed in his usual * 中国文化通览 一、守株待兔 译文: Waiting for a Hare to Turn up There was a peasant in the state of Song. One day a hare dashed up, knocked against a tree in his field, broke its neck and fell dead. Then the peasant put down his hoe and waited by the tree for another hare to turn up. No more hares appeared, however; but he became the laughing-stock of the state. From:Han Fei Zi (杨宪益 戴乃迭 英译) Comment: 这个版本的英译文与课本中的译文差别不大, 都译出了这则寓言的大意。但标题的翻译有一些不同。这篇译文把标题“守株待兔”译为“Waiting for a hare to turn up”, 没有译出寓言的标题“守株”,有些欠妥。课文中把标题译为 “To Stand by a Tree Trunk Waiting for More Hare to Dash Themselves Against it—Wait for a Windfall”,标题虽长,既译出了标题的字面意思,也传达出了这则寓言的寓意。 二、失斧疑邻 人有亡鈇者,意其邻人之子。 视其行步,窃鈇也; 颜色,窃鈇也; 言语,窃鈇; 动作、态度无为而不窃鈇也。 俄而抇其谷而得其鈇。 他日复见其邻人之子,动作态度无似窃鈇者.。——《列子》 译文: Suspicion A man who lost his axe suspected his neighbour’s son of stealing it. He watched the way the lad walked— exactly like a thief. He watched the boy’s expression—it was that of a thief. He watched the way the talked—just like a thief. In short, all his gestures and actions proclaimed him guilty of theft. But later he found his axe himself when he went out to dig. And after that, when he saw his neighbour’s son, all the lab’s gestures and actions looked quite unlike those of a thief. From: Lie Zi


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