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Linda 课程目的 掌握基本的使用英语进行外贸合同写作的能力。本课程通过介绍各类主要经贸合同写作的语言特点、汉英两种语言的对比分析以及各种不同经贸文体的翻译方法,使学生掌握经贸合同中词语、长句及各种经贸文体的翻译技巧和合同书写方法,要求能够使用恰当、准确的语句、文体格式及语言习惯草拟合同。 课程要求 了解对外经贸合同写作的特点与技巧;掌握经贸合同中英语专业术语、缩略语、惯用句型和表达方法;熟悉和掌握经贸合同的文体、记法和句法特点和翻译方法;掌握常见合同条款的主要内容;能够翻译一般性合同条款,能够草拟常见合同。 参考书目 英文合同书制作方法与法理,岩崎一生,外文出版社 合同写作现用现查,程爱学,中国盲文出版社 进出口合同条款与案例分析,黎孝先,对外经济贸易大学出版社 第一章 对外经贸英语合同写作常识和法律规范 2.外贸合同写作原则(principles) 2.1 合法性原则(legality) 《中华人民共和国合同法》 (contract law of the People’s Republic of China) 同时《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》,《中华人民共和国技术合同法》和《中华人民共和国经济合同法》同时作废 It was adopted at the Second Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s congress, promulgated by Order No.15 of the president Jiang zheming of the People’s Republic of China on March 15,1999, and effective as of October 1,1999. it consists of 13 chapter totally and 428 items. 2.2 全面性原则 The contracts shall completely express the agreement that both parties come to during negotiation in case of omission or addition or cut without authorization. 2.3 明确性原则 The words used in the contracts shall be correct, strict,clear, easy to be understood. We shall not use vague,ambiguous words. 2.4 主动性原则 On the condition of obeying the above principles, we shall also be active in order to leave room for yourself and precausion ahead of things and shall not leave any leak to another party in order not to give another party any chance and make yourself involve the passive situation. 二、必要的知识技能 1.to know the quality, characteristics, purposes, requirement, the content of discussing, and course of this transaction. Besides those, we shall read carefully the related correspondence, memorandum, agreement, and records etc. so that we can know things and situations as many as possible. 2. to be familiar with the laws, regulations and rules about all contries concerned Possibly as well as WTO’s specification 3. to have abundant knowledge about freign trade, and have higher ability on English writing and reading 第二节 国际经贸合同的格式 (the layout) 一、合同名称(Title)


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