投资分析与组合管理书后习题答案 .pdf

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投资分析与组合管理书后习题答案 .pdf

CHAPTER 1 THE INVESTMENT SETTING Answers to Questions 1. When an individual’s current money income exceeds his current consumption desires, he saves the excess. Rather than keep these savings in his possession, the individual may consider it worthwhile to forego immediate possession of the money for a larger future amount of consumption. This trade-off of present consumption for a higher level of future consumption is the essence of investment. An investment is the current commitment of funds for a period of time in order to derive a future flow of funds that will compensate the investor for the time value of money, the expected rate of inflation over the life of the investment, and provide a premium for the uncertainty associated with this future flow of funds. 2. Students in general tend to be borrowers because they are typically not employed so have no income, but obviously consume and have expenses. The usual intent is to invest the money borrowed in order to increase their future income stream from employment - i.e., students expect to receive a better job and higher income due to their investment in education. 3. In the 20-30 year segment an individual would tend to be a net borrower since he is in a relatively low-income bracket and has several expenditures - automobile, durable goods, etc. In the 30-40 segment again the individual would likely dissave, or borrow, since his expenditures would increase with the advent of family life, and conceivably, the purchase of a house. In the 40-50


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