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药 品 英 文 说 明 书 药品英文说明书的基本结构 药品名称(Drug name) 药品性状 (Description) 药品的适用症 (Indications) 剂量与用法 (Dosage and Administration) 注意事项 (Note) 副作用 (Side Effects) 药品性状 Description Composition(成分) ingredients(主要成分) formula(分子式) molecular weight(分子量) property(性质) pharmacological potency(药效); pharmacological action(药理作用) Solubility (溶解度) 剂量与用法 用法 Adminstration, direction (用法) Dosage:剂量 Usage and dosage /Administration and dosage:用法与剂量 常用表达 Daily, per day, a day, every day; Every 8 hours, 8 hours apart, eight-hourly, at intervals of 8 hours; Once daily, twice daily, three times daily, every other day/every second day 50 mg per kilo of body weight daily 剂量与用法 Divided into three, eight-hourly doses 分为三份,每八小时一次 Divided into… doses ,every … hours 分为若干份,每…时一次 Into two or three equally divided doses 2 g per day in 2 equally divided doses 每日2克,分为二等份 100 units twice daily 每日2次,每次100 单位 100 to 200 units per kg body weight in 6 divided doses 每公斤体重用100~200 单位,分6次给药 剂量与用法 给药途径 Orally(口服) Intraperitoneally (腹腔内给药) Parenterally(肠道外给药) Intramuscularly(肌肉注射) Intravenously(静脉注射) Subcutaneously (皮下注射) 注意事项 Precaution Remark Note/notice warning 副作用, 禁忌症 副作用:After effects, by-effects, side reaction/effects 毒性:Toxicity 耐受性:Tolerance 禁忌症:contraindication 包 装 Package 剂型 Tablets (糖衣片,sugar-coated tablets), dragees(糖衣丸), capsules(胶囊); Injection(注射剂), drops(滴剂), suppository(栓剂) 包装 Bottles(瓶), tubes(管), vials(小瓶) 其 他 Expiry date (Exp. Date) 失效期 Storage life Validity/Duration 有效期 Batch No./Batch Lot No. 批号 Antistine antihistamine for the treatment of allergic affections 安替司丁治疗过敏性病症的抗组胺剂 Properties Antistine either attenuates(削弱) or suppresses the effects of histamine(组胺), which plays a major role in provoking allergic(过敏的) disorders. It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonise(使反抗) histamine that the indications for Antistine are based. Indications Urticaria; food allergies; hay fever; vasomotor rhinitis; itching due to skin diseases, including eczema; prur


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