嘉吉乐恩贝10-Production Consulting Revised.ppt

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嘉吉乐恩贝10-Production Consulting Revised

What is Your Approach? 你的方法是什么 What opportunities do you see? 你看到了什么机会? How do you propose recommendations? 你如何做出推荐? How do you get customers to implement recommended changes and buy into your ideas? 你如何使顾客实施推荐的变化并接受你的理念? 3x3 structure shown here…each system is different, may be 2x2, 1x1, 4x4 这里显示的是3x3结构……每个系统都会不同,可能是2x2、1x1、4x4 * 农场成本核算的表格。 Production Consulting 生产咨询 China MYOD中国MYOD Nutrition Core Competency营养核心能力 Production Consulting in China MYOD 中国MYOD的生产咨询 Confidentiality 机密性 The ability to maintain strict confidentiality is of the utmost importance. 严格保密非常重要。 Customers share intimate details of their business with us. They must trust us to not share that information outside of the Account Team without their consent. 顾客和我们分享业务细节。他们必须相信我们不会未经同意在客户团队之外泄露信息。 Confidentiality and discretion are vital to maintaining a professional image. 保密和谨慎对维持职业形象至关重要。 If you are unsure as to the confidentiality of customer data, err on the side of caution. 如果你不确定顾客信息是否需要保密,宁可保持谨慎。 Production Consulting 生产咨询 Developing long lasting, beneficial relationships with clients 和客户建立长期互利的关系 ADD VALUE to their businesses and systems through production expertise, Cargill Intellectual Property, and industry relationships 通过生产专业知识、嘉吉知识产权和行业关系为他们的业务和系统增加价值 Seek sustainable, profitable, partnership opportunities with the clients we serve 寻求和我们服务的客户建立可持续盈利的合作机会 Importance of Fundamentals 基本原则的重要性 The importance of implementing the fundamentals of pork production consistently and effectively cannot be understated. 持续有效的实施猪肉生产的基本原则的重要性不能小视 There is no magic bullet! 没有灵丹妙药! The best pork systems in the world are the best because they consistently apply tested, proven concepts on a daily basis, not because they have discovered a secret product, practice or technology. 最佳猪肉系统之所以成为最佳是因为他们在日常管理中持续应用经过检验和已经证实的概念,而非因为他们发现了秘密产品、实践或技术。 Production Consulting 生产咨询 Traditional Feed Sales 传统饲料销售 Promotes specific product offerings to potential custo


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