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Notes: 1. influence 影响 2. maximize 最大化 3. arena 竞技场 4. attentiveness 注意,? 专注 5. professionalism 专业 6. switch off 关掉 7. inconvenience 不便 8. embarrassment 尴尬 9. punctuality 准时,守时 10. circular 循环的 11. minute 会议记录 II.Etiquette Awards ceremony Formal meetings can take many forms. There are board meetings, management meetings, team or departmental meetings and business negotiations and whilst they may differ in terms of their content, they’ll usually have a similar structure overall. 1.an established, pre-determined seating arrangement 2. Listen attentively to what’s said and even if you don’t agree with something. Informal meetings . Often you will still have a ‘chair’ who will usually be the person who called the meeting but you’ll not necessarily have to follow the protocol of having minutes or a rigid, pre-determined fixed agenda. Notes: 1. crucial 重要的 2. preside 主持 3. apologies 喜好 4. statistics数据 5. familiarize 使...熟悉 6. prior to 在...之前 7. switch off 关掉 8. pre-determined 事先确定的 9. attentively 注意地, 留意地 10. condense 浓缩 11. restriction 限制 12. rigid 僵硬的,刻板的 13. guise 伪装 14. professionalism 职业 15. confidential 秘密的,机密的 16. disregarding 不顾,忽视 17. undermine 削弱,损害 Seven Business Meeting Etiquette Tips squandering valuable time and energy. brush up your meeting skills more productive Notes 1.facilitation 简易化 2.squander 浪费 3.brush up 擦亮,温习 4.implementer制订人 5.broth 肉汤,清汤 6.overflowing 溢出的 7.circulate 循环,传阅 8.duration 期间,持续时间 9.weird 古怪的,怪异的 10.for the sake of 为了 11.consensus 一致,共识 12.blunt 直率的 13.prioritize 区分优先 Performing Business Etiquette Notes 1.sales promotion 促销 2.reserve 预定 3.attendee 参会者 4.agenda 日程 5. arrangement 安排 6.minutes 会议记录 Notes 1.details 细节 2.notify 通知 3.participant 参会者 Notes 1.assistant 助理


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