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A | Read the questions and answer choices. Then listen to a talk and choose the correct answers. Listening 2 Listening 2 1. Which communications device is mainly talked about in the talk? a. Cell phones. b. Satellites. c. TV. 2. What is the main idea of the talk? a. Satellites have changed the way we communicate. b. TV has changed the way we live. c. Satellites have changed the space around Earth. 3. What problem is mentioned in the talk? a. Space garbage. b. Space travel. c. Communication on Earth. √ √ √ Listening 2 B | Read the sentences. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear. To be continued 1. It was predicted by Donald Kessler in the 1970s that _____________________________________ was probable. 2. It can be inferred that the space around the earth would be full of _______________________ if more collisions between satellites happened. a collision between two or more satellites small pieces of metal Listening 2 3. An international conference was held to discuss _____________________________________________. 4. The U.N. had advised that countries should not ____________________________________________. 5. Such a solution as having a collector satellite to __________ ________________________________________________ _________ may be a long way away. ways to reduce the number of objects in orbit use old satellites for missile target practice catch space garbage and bring it down into the earth’s atmosphere to burn up Listening 2 To be continued In one way or another, you probably use a satellite every day. If you watch TV, check the weather, or make a long-distance phone call, a satellite is involved. Satellites have changed the way we communicate, and they’ve also changed the space around Earth. Listening 2 To be continued Back in the 1970s, former NASA scientist Don


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