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Experiment Report Name: 曾翘楚 Zoe Major: Psychology No: 2012213970 Report time: 2013/12/25 The method of constant stimuli 1 Introduction 1.1 Experiment objective Have a good grasp of the method of constant stimuli and measure the difference threshold of pitch. 1.2 Experiment content Learn the method of constant stimuli. Do the experiment of measuring difference threshold of pitch and collect data then analysis it. Difference threshold of three kinds of reaction: Up difference threshold (Dlu) = up- equal Lower difference threshold (Dli) =equal- lower Difference threshold= (Dlu+Dli)/2 1.3 Experiment meaning Method of constant stimuli is one of the important ways in classical psychological physics. The characteristic of the method of constant stimuli is a few stimulates, including 5 to 10, which is unchangeable in the whole procedure of measure. Every time a paired of stimulates are displayed, participants are required to compare the two stimuli and make a decision. When using the method of constant stimuli to measure the difference threshold, participants are recommended to respond that whether the second stimulus is same to the first one, stronger or weaker than the first stimuli. In this way, we can get two turning points of feelings. Further then, we can get up-threshold and lower-threshold. 2 Method 2.1 Subject 4 college students of CCNU. They are all females whose ages are range 18 to 20. 2.2 Equipment or material Psykey experiment system and computers. A series of pitch including 7 pitch materials in different rate (691\694\697\700\703\706\709 or 688\692\698\700\704\708\712). A keyboard contains a red bottom, a green bottom and a yellow bottom. 2.3 procedure Before the formal experiment, we should do a prepare experiment in the method of minimal difference to measure a general threshold. According to the results of prepare experiment, we should choose different series of pitch. In prepare test, the initial dif


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