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患者的权力与义务 河南省人民医院 护理部 2012年12月18日 患者的权利 Patient rights 1、您享有得到尊重及周全的医疗服务的权利。 To receive respectful and considerate care. 2、您享有得到参与医疗、护理过程的权利,有权了解有关自己疾病的所有信息。 To participate in all healthcare decisions to receive information of all your disease. 患者的权利 Patient rights 3、您享有接受或拒绝治疗的权利,并有对拒绝治疗所造成的后果的知情权。 To require or refuse treatment and to be informed of the medical consequences of refusal of treatment. 患者的权利 Patient rights 4、您享有隐私权,我们对您的相关信息会采取保密措施。 To have the privacy in the hospital and confidentiality of all information and records regarding your care. 患者的权利 Patient rights 5、您有受到个人价值观及宗教信仰被尊重的权利。 To have your personal values and religious beliefs respected. 患者的权利 Patient rights 6、您有权知道您参与的实验性治疗或研究的相关信息,并有权决定接受或拒绝。 To receive information related to experimental treatment or clinical research where you are involved and to decide accept or refusal. 患者的权利 Patient rights 7、您享有参与疼痛评估及处理的权利。 To involve pain assessment and pain management. 8、您享有了解器官移植及器官捐献方面信息的权利。 To receive the information regarding organ transplants and donations. 患者的权利 Patient rights 9、您有权得到医疗费用的解释和说明。 To obtain a full explanation of all charges related to your heathcare services. 10、您享有投诉权。 To express any concerns or grievances. 患者的权利 Patient rights 11、您有权寻找其他医疗机构或渠道进行咨询。 The right to consult other health organizations or through other ways. 12、您有人身和财产被保护的权利。 Hospital has the responsibility of protecting the safe of patients and possessions. 患者的义务 Patient responsibilities 1、您有提供个人准确信息的义务,包括身份证、医疗保险证件、及有效的联系方式等。 To provide accurate personal information, including ID card, medical insurance decument, and efficient contracts and so on. 患者的义务 Patient responsibilities 2、您有提供真实、准确、全面健康信息的义务,包括现病史、既往史、用药史等,并有义务及时向医护人员报告病情变化。 To provide accurate and complete information about your health condition , including your present illness, pass illnesses, medical history and so on; to report any change in your health conditi


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