我的 句群和篇章的英译.ppt

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我的 句群和篇章的英译

汉 → 英 课程 句群,篇章 1 信息技术引发的商业模式的变革,在过去的几年中呈现出迅猛发展的状况。以电子商务为表征的经济运行方式更是在技术的带动下一日千里的迅速飞升。在过去的一年里,电子商务的舆论开始平静。产业界在全球经济下滑的背景下走向理智和务实。更多的理论探讨对这种理性的响应引发广泛的共鸣。 1 In the past few years, the transform of business mode brought by information technology took on a rapid development trend/tendency. The economic running mode featured by electronic commerce improves rapidly by the impulse of technology. During the last year, the boiling debating in media on electronic commerce began to calm down. In the background of the global economic declining, the industry went more and more sensible and practical. Therefore, more theory discussions brought wide resonance 共鸣 as response to this sense.理性 2 当前最重要的任务是发展经济,提高人民生活水平。为了实现这一目标,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,进一步解放生产力; 我们应当向世界敞开大门,学习其他国家的先进的科学和技术。只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成强大的社会主义国家。 2 Our primary task/mission at present is to develop national economy and raise/promote the living standards of the people. Therefore, we must reform the old/traditional economic system so as to further liberate productive forces. Moreover, we should be open to the outside world so that we can learn advanced science and technology from other countries. And we are sure to build China into a strong /powerful socialist country as long as we stick to the reform and opening policy. 3 在探求真理的过程中,常常有这样的情形:由于研究的角度不同,掌握资料的差异,认识方法的不同,就会出现“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”的情况,以至引起学术上的争论。因此,有作为的科学工作者都把反对的意见看作对自己的莫大的帮助,把对自己的批评当作最珍贵的友谊。正如歌德所说,“我们赞同的东西使我们处之泰然,我们反对的东西才使我们的思想获得丰产。”这都是因为,赞同的意见未必正确,反对的意见未必错误。 3. Occasions such as the following often occur in the course of truth pursuit: During the pursuit of truth such things often happen: “A mountain becomes a hill when viewed horizontally and a peak when viewed vertically, and it presents a variety of shapes when viewed from long and short distances or high and low places” because of the differences / dissimilarities in various perspectives, data and cognitive methods, which further results in academic disputes. As a consequence, a promising scientist


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