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Teaching analysis I . Teaching goals II. Teaching types III. Teaching procedures IV. After-class reflection I. Teaching goals Understand some knowledge about the volcanoes. Master the new words and their correct usage in a sentence. Imitate the recording and pay attention to your phonetics, tone and speed. Enable to tell the difference of “can, be able to, manage to” II.Teaching types Listening and speaking Read and writng III. Teaching procedures Period One Period Two Period One(50mins) I. Teaching steps Step one Review( unit 16) Step two Warm-up (topic ) Step three Presentation (listening) Step four Practice Consolidation Step five Homework Review unit 16 The Channel Tunnel Dictation 词组: 1.通风好的 2. 海平面 3.提出 4.抽进 5.害怕入侵 6.把…与…连接起来 7.欧洲大陆 句子:1.如果一辆火车进入隧道,它有可能在尾部抽进新鲜空气。 2.这个平台是用来当做港口和火车站的。 Do you know the kinds of volcanoes? There are three kinds of volcanoes in the nature. 死火山dead/extinct volcanoes What’s the difference among them? 火山按其活动性质,分为活火山、休眠火山和死火山三种类型。 活火山:具有活动能力的火山,包括那些现在还在经常喷发的火山和那些虽已长期没有喷发,但在人类历史上有过喷发活动的火山。 休眠火山:长期没有喷发活动,但将来还会喷发的火山。是在沉睡中的火山,离开了地壳移动地带,暂时停止活动,一旦再次进入地壳移动地带,便会有再次爆发的机会。它和活火山之间,很难划出明确的区分界限。 死火山:已经没有活动能力的火山,有的还保存有火山特有的形态,但在历史上既没有喷发的记载,又无活动性表现。 Today we will learn a story about the volcano in Congo. Congo locates in the middle of Africa. Can you guess what it is? There is a volcano, Kituro (基图罗火山),near Lake Kivu in the Congo. volcano an active volanco a dormant volanco an extinct volanco dance on a volanco sit on a volanco earthquake; flood; typhoon; storm; tornado brilliant adj.卓越的;非凡的;精彩的;有才华的;鲜明的 a brilliant speaker a brilliant achievements brilliant photos a brilliant artist a brilliant color Listen and answer. Where did Tazieff go in 1948 ? Why did he go there? 3. What did he manage to do when he returned to the volanco two days later? Listen again. 1.Where did he set up his camp? 2.What did he notice coming towards him? 3.When was he able to return? 4.Why did he mange to climb in


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