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1.They will hardly know which facts to _________ the mass of evidence that steadily ____________(积累起来的). 2.They will be able,____________(可以说) to see and hear us in action. 3.But the historian __________________________________(企图重现遥远的过去) is always faced with a difficult task. 4.He has to d______(推理) what he can from the few __________(不充分的线索)available. 5.Even seemingly __________(不重要的) remains can ______________________(揭示一些有趣的)the history of early man. 6.Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars _____________(形成) with the a_______ of agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons. 7.By c_______(使联系)markings made in various parts of the world, historians _________________(已经能够) read this difficult code. 8. It is , in fact , a p_________(原始的)type of calendar. It__________________ (早就被知道了) that the hunting scenes______(描绘) on the walls were not simply a form of ______________________(艺术的表达). 9.They had a d________(一定的)meaning, for they were as near as early man could get to writing. 10. It seems that man was making a real effort to understand the seasons 20,000 years earlier than ___________________(比早期预料的) 1.They will hardly know which facts to _________ the mass of evidence that steadily ____________(积累起来的). 2.They will be able,____________(可以说) to see and hear us in action. 3.But the historian __________________________________(企图重现遥远的过去) is always faced with a difficult task. 4.He has to d______(推理) what he can from the few __________(不充分的线索)available. 5.Even seemingly __________(不重要的) remains can ______________________(揭示一些有趣的)the history of early man. 6.Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars _____________(形成) with the a_______ of agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons. 7.By c_______(使联系)markings made in various parts of the world, historians _________________(已经能够) read this difficult code. 8. It is , in fact , a p_________(原始的)type of ca


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