新概念二Lesson 57Can I help you Madam.ppt

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新概念二Lesson 57Can I help you Madam

Lesson 57Can I help you Madam? phrases 1.in jeans穿牛仔裤 2.hesitate for a moment犹豫了一下 3.the way people dress人们穿衣服的方式 4.glance at sb. scornfully轻蔑地看人 5decide to punish 决定惩罚 6. be eager to do 渴望做某事 7. with great difficulty费很大劲 8. ask for 需求,请求 in +衣服/ 颜色 A woman in jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. in shorts 穿着短裤 in a red coat. 穿着红色上衣 in red jeans 牛仔 jumper 背带裤 shorts 短裤 underwear 内衣/裤 turtleneck sweater 套头毛衣 hesitate v.犹豫不决 Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally… hesitate v. hesitation without hesitation 毫不犹豫的 If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me. 如果你有任何问题,可以问我。 Hamlet : To be or not to be, that is still a question. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. serve v. 服务,服军役 It serves your right. 你应得的。(negative) You deserve it. 你应得的。(positive) Serve the people by heart and soul. 为人民全心全意服务。 He had served the army for 30 years. 他已经服军役三十多年了。 scornfully 讽刺地 Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. Scornfully: ironically ad. sarcastically ad. Happiness is inside, it’s not outside. It does not depend on what you have, but on what we are. punish v.惩罚 Our teacher got mad on us today and punished us to do copy the whole book. 老师跟我们生气了让我们把整本书都抄一遍.反:praise for 表扬 Our teacher praised us for being on time all the time. 老师因为我们总是准时表扬了我们。 The assistant was eager to serve her this time. Young people are eager to learn things. 年轻人都很渴望学习新东西。 同:anxious looking forward to expect not …ing Not realizing who she was … Eg. Not knowing where we will go, we get confused. with短语 With great difficulty, he climbed into… With….短语 With great difficulty…费了很大的力气 Without paying, the mother went out of the shop, the girl gave her mother a free dress every week. 未付款 Without saying goodbye, they went away. 没有告别 keys to exercises: Don’t let him bully you. Why don’t you make him apologize for his behavior? No one can make me believe he’s telling the tru


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