新概念英语III, 第一课.ppt

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新概念英语III, 第一课

Corner : v force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape The thief was cornered by the police at last. The question cornered me. 一些高度污染工厂使环境保护陷入窘境。 Environment protection is cornered by some factories producing heavy pollutions. Trail : n a track or mark left by something that has passed go after with the intent to catch A trail of dead deer A trail of blood They made a trail of protests against the decision The police trailed the criminal to the place where he was hiding. 我们跟踪那个小偷来到了他藏赃物的地方。 We trailed the thief to the place where he hid the Stolen goods. cling:v come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation to remain emotionally or intellectually attached clung, clung Cling to sth 坚持 she is always clinging to her boyfriend. Yu Min Hong always clings to the hope that he will succeed. 近义词:cling 、 stick Stick 粘住 stick the envelop 粘住信封 stick to 坚持 stick to his promise. Please stick to one-China position. 不管你说什么,我任然坚持我的观点。 Whatever you will say, I still stick to my point. Convince :vt make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth of something Convince sb. of sth使某人相信某事 Please convince him of this. He has to convince me of his ability to do this job. 这名罪犯竭尽全力让法官相信他的清白。 The criminal tried his best to convince the judge of his innocence. Convince sb that···· 使某人确信 The criminal tried his best to convince the judge that he was innocent. What I have experienced convinces me that Tomorrow will belong to the aggressive people 他必须说服我他有能力胜任这份工作。 He has to convince me that he is able to do this job. Be convinced that 相信了···· The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma. the judge was convinced that the criminal was innocent. 中国政府相信了朝鲜正在发展核武器。 Chinese government is convinced that the North Korea is try


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